Hello! I would like to learn Portuguese!

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I'm a girl 16 years old, from Russia.

  I would like to learn portuguese.  I consider it very interesting and beatiful language.  also i study spanish and english.  For me it will be interesting to communicate with people from  other countries)

Thank you, best wishes)



pcosta profile picture pcostaJanuary 2011



I'm portuguese teacher. 

If u want, write me for the classes.





Vanessa_sb profile picture Vanessa_sbOctober 2008

hi i'm vanessa, from brazil, i'm 16 too lol

i'd be glad to help you, and also to learn russian XD

so if you want you can add me : Vanessa_sbVanessa_sb profile picture

or in skype: Vanessasb16

cvz1225 profile picture cvz1225March 2008

I can help you

cvz1225cvz1225 profile picture

AnnaKelmer profile picture AnnaKelmerMarch 2008

Hello :)

my name is Anna, i'm 16 too, live in Brazil, my native language is portuguese.

i would be very glad to help you, and would be great learning russian too :D

alexsander profile picture alexsanderMarch 2008
I am brazilian i can help you
Kovags profile picture KovagsNovember 2007


I guess I'm able to help you with Portuguese (that's my natural language), and i bet it's gonna be easier for you who knows Spanish.

To keep in touch with me you just have to send my an e-mal or add me at MSN, this is my e-mail (MSN)  address: KovagsKovags profile picture  .