GIVE ANSWERS - Język polski

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I want to learn Polish


My name is Pascal, from Romania, Iasi. I want to learn polish and I can teach you romanian. I am a novice in polish, I was 1 year in Gdansk, but i didnt learn a lot of polish, only basic stuff.

If some one is interested in exchange, online meetings, it will be great.


Mar_cus profile picture Mar_cusJanuary 2021
Hello Pascal. I can help you with polish.
Ginnymilller profile picture GinnymilllerMay 2024
I am wokrking on a polish website. Might help seo experts
MomikN30 profile picture MomikN30September 2023
Hello. I can help you if you want
anawilliam profile picture anawilliamAugust 2022

I would love to learn new languages as I am a writer at accounts payable outsourcing services and I have to translate them into another language and it will be a plus for me. I Used to translate English into Polish, Spanish, and French. 

English is an international language but we have to work on other languages as well sometimes for clients. 

adamadbar profile picture adamadbarJuly 2022

Hi, I am adam and I live in UAE and I want to learn polish as my customers speak this language and I face difficulty while dealing with customers at my work - Best Miner Dubai. Please guys help me with the best resources. I just want to learn the basics of the Polish language. 

Dagmara24 profile picture Dagmara24July 2022
I’m Dagmara and I will be happy to help you
Ilona96 profile picture Ilona96January 2022
Hello, i can help you withPolish, maybe you can help me with English?