GIVE ANSWERS - Język polski

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I want to start to speak Polish


volodymyr_4 profile picture volodymyr_4July 2018
Hello, how are you? I'm looking for friends to practice Polish. Where are you from? Why are you looking for friends at this website?
  • sara_stadl profile picture sara_stadlAugust 2018
    Hello, I'm fine, thanks. I am from Poland. And I am looking for friends at this website because I want to improve my English and at the same time I can meet a lot of interesting people and I can learn Polish them.
MomikN30 profile picture MomikN30September 2023
Hello. I can help you if you want
  • Krashtest81 profile picture Krashtest81October 2023
    My name’s Marcin. I’m from Poland. I looking for someone with I can conversation in English to improve it. Can we talk .... ?
Dagmara24 profile picture Dagmara24July 2022
Hello, if you want, I can help you with polish
Oleksandra08 profile picture Oleksandra08July 2018
Sandra99 profile picture Sandra99March 2019
Ok. I can help you, but I can learn Englisch. Can you help me too?