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Question about letter choice

I've seen words with a normal a (ex. "moja") mean the same with ą instead (ex. "moją"). Same with ó. Is this an important difference, or more like the British English using s (ex. "realise") and America using a z (ex. "realize"), and the word can be used either way?



anielunia profile picture anieluniaJuly 2013
Hi, the change in letters, which you've noticed comes from pronoun declension, therefore it's important to learn them. There's difference in meaning eg. moja siostra (my sister), z moją siostrą (with my sister), mój brat (my brother), z moim bratem (with my brother).
macfarlaned profile picture macfarlanedJune 2013
Also, do capital letters matter at the beginnings of sentences if the word is not a proper noun?
  • anielunia profile picture anieluniaJuly 2013
    Yes, they do matter. In most languages (at least the Indo-European ones) the fisrt word of a sentence begins with a capital letter.