GIVE ANSWERS - Język polski

100% GOOD (1 votes)Walang sagot
Hey, Anyone can help me to learn polish? I will start working there and i need to learn a bit. I can help with english or spanish :)) Thanks


damian_san profile picture damian_sanMay 2017
Hey I can help you, because i live at poland but I wanna learn Spanish
borusia profile picture borusiaFebruary 2017
Hi Melanie I can help you practise Polish but I need help with english
Gozdawa profile picture GozdawaJuly 2014
Hi I post Polish lessons on YouTube ( If you have any questions about the language, feel free to send me a message Good luck!
TheJane profile picture TheJaneJune 2013
In which field you will work in Poland? And what do you want to know?
Just some basics?
  • Ander profile picture AnderNovember 2013
    I work for a stainless steel company, i use english at work but i think it is not bd if i learn polish to live in Poland ) I go to lessons but all help is welcome )
  • Ander profile picture AnderNovember 2013
    Hola hola, si, llevo unos meses aqui, voy a clase 3 horas a la semana, pero el polish es dificult dificult )) Dzienki, y si necesitas practicar español, puedes contar conmigo )))
  • Madelyn profile picture MadelynNovember 2013
    Hola Ander! ya estas en Polonia? Bueno, cualquier cosa, ,me la puedes preguntar a mi tambien Suerte con tu nuevo trabajo y que lo pases muy bien aqui Saludos...
SoporificDream profile picture SoporificDreamJuly 2013
I can help you if you want