أعط أجوبة - Język polski

100% GOOD (1 votes)تم الإجـابة عليه
Cześć Chcę dowiedzieć się polski mogę mówić po angielsku

أعط أجوبة

Andzikowski profile picture AndzikowskiMay 2018
Hello! I wolud like improve me English, so i can improve your polish if you want
artmk profile picture artmkApril 2018
Hi, I can help You, write a message
Illri profile picture IllriApril 2018
Hi, you can write to jest if you wants to learn something
Roxi369 profile picture Roxi369April 2018
Hi, I from with Poland, I can help you
Kinga12345 profile picture Kinga12345April 2018
Hi You can write to me
agnesssss profile picture agnesssssOctober 2017
hello i from Poland so i can help you if you want )
Youlovehappiness profile picture YoulovehappinessMarch 2016
Hello, I can help you
LUKASZPOL profile picture LUKASZPOLMarch 2016
I can help you if you want