Learn beautiful Polish language :)

100% GOOD (2 votes)

Hi :)

I'm from Poland and would be really happy to help somebody learning Polish language. If you need practice, have any problems with Polish or just want to start learning, write to me. I have some problems (I make soo many mistakes) with English, so I would prefer teaching Polish in exchange for English (or French, but I'm just a beginner..).

I like to learn languages by writing to each other in both (Polish and English/French) languages about anything, proofreading texts and explaining where and why should be written so and not otherwise, explaining meanings of words and sentences etc. If you really want to learn Polish, write to me immediately :)


3toss profile picture 3tossMarch 2013
This topic is a few months old. I want to learn Polish and I can teach English. Just drop me a message if that is okay with you.
Evena profile picture EvenaNovember 2012
Cześć Vilamera, I've just sent message to you I would be very happy to practise English with you and to help you learning Polish - if you REALLY want to learn this language!
Vilamera profile picture VilameraNovember 2012
Hello! I want to learn Polish. I am just a beginner, I've learn some key words like "where is" or "how are you'< but I am really fascinated with Polish and want to learn more. i know English and we can practice it together as well.
AnnaErshova profile picture AnnaErshovaOctober 2012
My name is Ann, I'm from Russia. I would like to learn Polish language But I have one problem, I know english is not good. If you know russian language, it will be easier to me to learn Polish)
  • Evena profile picture EvenaOctober 2012
    Привет Анна, я немного училa русский язык, но большинство я уже забылa. Это трудно для меня чтобы написать что-то по русски, я не знаю русскую клавиатуру.

    I would like to teach Polish language somebody who speaks English very well and could also help me with learning English, it would be much easier and better for me...

    Anna, can I ask you something..? Tell me please what is the correct Russian form for these two sentences: 1. I teach somebody Russian. 2. I learn Russian.
    I'm not sure how it should be and I'm curious what is the answer Also if you want to ask me for something just go ahead