occitan...and just a little bit polyglot

43% GOOD (7 votes)

Adishatz , se i a quauq'un qui vòs e parlar un drin d'occitan (gascon , lengadocian o lemosin) que soi present suu sit entà charrar.

Cò qu'ai dit  dit aci dessús qu'èi escrivut  en gascon, totun,... que pòde contunhar ren mas qu'en lemosin e... sonque en lengadocian  segon que desiratz anar a  Limòtges, a Pau, o encara  a Tolosa o Carcassona. 

Hello, if somebody wants to speak a little bit in occitan (gascon , lemosin/limousin, or lengadocian dialect) I am on the site to chat (if I can get the time to do it of course).

I am living at Pau,  a tiny town in the South West of France where the native language is a kind of occitan gascon dialetc called bearnese.

This language was official till the XVIII in Bearn(co-official since Bearn would be united to France in 1629.

In exchange , I would be very happy to learn a lot of diferent languages, I can speak English, Romanian, Catalan, and a little bit of Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, my German and my Russian are very poor, I am very interested too by Welsh (bore da!) and by Chinese(ni hao).


Adishatz e dinc a las pumèras (Good bye and see you soon).


Olekander profile picture OlekanderNovember 2010

  Why is your Catalan so basic? With three months learning you could be fluent in it, and it's more useful than Occitan! I'd love to speak both those languages, but simply don't have the time at the moment.