Kurdish sorany

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Can someone help to translate these sentences:

سڵاو برا گیان...بزانە قەت بەم رەسمانەت ئەڵێم ناشرین....

slaw xala baxtyar, supas chawt jwana



przha profile picture przhaMay 2012

سڵاو برا گیان...بزانە قەت بەم رەسمانەت ئەڵێم ناشرین....

hello dear brother ....see if i ever comment negatively on these photos (stating that photos are nice bt in a wierd way - eh us kurds )

slaw xala baxtyar, supas chawt jwana
hello uncle Baxtyar, thank u , your eyes are beautiful ( meaning that u have nice eyes for percieving my photos nice.. again one of our wierd ways of complimenting..full of metaphors)

hope helps.