Looking for kurmanci teacher, I teach french, english, spanish

50% GOOD (16 votes)


I'd like to find someone who's mother tongue is Kurdish (Kurmancî), and in exchange I can help in French (mother tongue), or spanish, or english, or even armenian.


dilandilan profile picture dilandilanJuly 2012
hı. ı m dilan, my mother tongue is kurmanci. ı know english but ı d like to learn french. ı can help you about kurmanci and exchange can you help me for french?
  • Oublieuse profile picture OublieuseMarch 2013
    Hi, sorry I didn't answer earlier, I had stopped to learn kurdish (no time), but will start again when I come back from Turkey.
diyako profile picture diyakoApril 2011

1- In your village, there are 30 houses

Di gundê te de, sih mal hene

2- In their village, there is no kurdish school

Di gundê wan de, dibistana kurdî nîne.

3- In Iraqi Kurdistan, kurdish schools are not forbidden.

Li Kurdistana Iraqê (or Başûrê Kurdistanê), dibistanên kurdî ne qedexe ne.

4- You too, you have a house ?

Tu jî, xaniyê te heye ?

5- Where is the house of your brother ?

Xaniyê brayê te li ku ye ?

6- How many rooms are in your house ?

Di mala we de çend ode (or mezel) hene ?

7- There are 3 rooms. The sleeping room, the dining room and the kitchen

Sê ode (mezel) hene. Oda razanê, oda rûniştinê û kelîngeh.

8- We like to read the newspaper very much

Em ji xwendina rojnameyê zor hez dikin.


I changed the color of wrong translations.(green words)


Ode = Mezel

Kurdistana Iraqê =  Başûrê Kurdistanê

Mal = House = Xanî

faruk1299 profile picture faruk1299March 2012
hi my mother tongue is kurdish and i can speak turkish and kurdish but i want to learn english
Oublieuse profile picture OublieuseApril 2011

Hi Diyako, can you correct this exercise ? I translated english sentances to kurdish.

1- In your village, there are 30 houses

Di gundê te de, sîh mal hene

2- In their village, there is no kurdish school

Di gundê wan de, dibistan kurdan ne heye.

3- In Iraqi Kurdistan, kurdish schools are not forbidden.

Li Iraqî Kurdistanê, dibistanen kurd ne qetexe yin.

4- You too, you have a house ?

Tu jî, xanî te heye ?

5- Where is the house of your brother ?

Xanî bari te, li ku je ?

6- How many rooms are in your house ?

Di gundê we de, çend oda hene ?

7- There are 3 rooms. The sleeping room, the dining room and the kitchen

Sê oda hene. Oda razanê, oda rûninştine û kelîngeh.

8- We like to read the newspaper very much

Em xwendinê rojname zor hez dikin.


Thank you very much in advance !