What does "Kak" mean in Sorani

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It sounds like "kek" in Kurmanci which means "brother" but I  guess it is used in different contexts. Could anyone explain pls.


HeveenSan profile picture HeveenSanAugust 2013
it's mean brother... or Mr.
Patiana profile picture PatianaJuly 2010

  For example to many times we can heared when Kurdisz saying Chone Kaka mean Hello Mr. or Hello Ms.

Wiele razy mozna uslyszec u Kurdyszów kiedy uzywaja Chone Kaka oznacza to Dzien dzobry Panu lub Dziendobry Pani.

  • FieryIce profile picture FieryIceMay 2013
    In my head, I always thought "kak" and "kaka" to mean "Big Brother", but now that you make the connection with English, I see how it could mean "Mr." The same as "Dada" can mean "Miss" or "Big sister". Xanm or Baji are usually used for older ladies. Thats my 2 cents
przha profile picture przhaMay 2013
Kak = mr
usually put in front of a name (male - not used for female)
For example, Kak Alan
Patiana profile picture PatianaJuly 2010

  "Kak" or "Kaka" same words meaning Mr.> Mrs.   or Miss> Ms. doesn't matter to who u talking to, can be woman-can be man, is nice word.