GIVE ANSWERS - Şimali Azərbaycanlılar

100% GOOD (1 votes)उत्तर
Hey Guys! My name is Sam and I'm from California. If anyone wants to practice English with somebody, please message me! I would also like to learn your first language too!


Sara_raha profile picture Sara_rahaJanuary 2022
VuqarBaku profile picture VuqarBakuMarch 2016
Hello Sam. Im from Baku Azerbaijan. My name is Vugar. I would like to practise english.
Samaya profile picture SamayaSeptember 2015
Hi! I'm Samaya, 18 years old. I want to improve my american english and to discover about America. If you can help me, please message me. I speak fluently russian and azerbaijani languages. I will wait your answer
Maqo1483 profile picture Maqo1483March 2015
Hi))) can you help me to improve my english! i spealk fluently in azerbaijani and russian
mustafayev_rauf profile picture mustafayev_raufNovember 2014