Learn the Greek Alphabet in less than 10 minutes

LISA UUS VIDEO!58 % said "GOOD" (24 votes)


nasia_sava profile picture nasia_savaNovember 2016
im am from greece.. this is wrong!
eem_fatih profile picture eem_fatihJune 2013
i like this video, its really useful
Lorien profile picture LorienFebruary 2010

Very funny. Nice way to learn the basics. never mind the accent, what counts is to get the right words order to start with and grammar further on. In English there as many accents as anglo saxon countries, yes everyone ends up understanding one another.   

EpsilonBXL profile picture EpsilonBXLFebruary 2009

The mnemotechnics sure deserve a straight A! 

As for the correct pronunciation, please refer to other videos published here (those with a white font).