Learn greek...would you help me

33% GOOD (3 votes)

Hello my name is lorane, I live in france, and I go two time in greece on holidays, and now I love this country. So I want to learn Greek ant after If I can, work thee.

Would you help me....




kr0mmy profile picture kr0mmyOctober 2007
Lorane I am from Greece.. My name is Jean. My email is kr0mmykr0mmy profile picture contact me...
nick27 profile picture nick27September 2007

I'm studying Modern Greek, too and it'd be cool if we could get in touch.. this way we could help each other. I've been studying it for a few months but I love this language. I went to Greece two years ago. I'm 19 and I'm from Belgium... Γ ε ι α σ ο υ !