Learn Chinese (mandarin) with Yangyang 001

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  • Berlusconi profile picture BerlusconiApril 2020
    Spoken language tends to become informal mainly with native speakers that's why they simply say "你好" (ni hao), but as a beginner, you'll need to make new friends among Chinese speakers and the expression "你好吗?" ( ni hao ma) is still useful for your first contacts. It's always good to make good impression for the first time and politeness is very much appreciated.
kbennamon profile picture kbennamonApril 2008
My Chinese friends taught me "ni3 hao3 ma?" but no one in China every really uses it. A person just says "ni3 hao3" and the other person says the exact same thing again. Sometimes though they say, hen3 hao3 (very well) or just hao3 (good).