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Can someone help me translate this sign? I think it's Chinese...

A friend of mine found this sign and really wanted to know what it meant. I've been trying to translate it, but I haven't had much luck, especially with the first and last characters on the top row. Here's all I've come up with: The middle one on the top row looks the closest to 忍. The bottom row looks like 火水地. The best translation I can come up with for the bottom row is "kerosene place". But since the sign was found under a hot tub, could it also literally mean "fire water"?

PS: Find free Mandarin Chinese learning lessons here: Free learning: 足 zú foot; enoughCurrent Events and Issues in China and Beyond修 xiū build, repair; study, take (a course)Chronology of Historical Events in China


misoag profile picture misoagMarch 2014
though it's chinese character . but you shoul d ask japanese . I think it's Japnese.
Jingsi profile picture JingsiFebruary 2014
no, it definitely not means "fire water".The last character on the top row is"隐",it means bear something.And sorry that I cannot figure out the first character.It looks like "户".You know the different way to read has different meaning especially for the ancient chinese characters.You should read it from left to right and up to down.