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How can I write it (thanks _thank you ) in chinese and English symbols

PS: Check out these free Mandarin Chinese learning resources: Free learning: Polyphonic characters调(調) tiáo adjust; blendDays of the week读(讀) dú read, read aloud; study


Berlusconi profile picture BerlusconiJune 2020
You need a chinese keyboard first of all. Second you need to download pleco dictionary to translate from English into Chinese and check the number of strokes on how to write a character.
SameKichi profile picture SameKichiJune 2020
thank you:谢谢你Xièxiè nǐ
Berlusconi profile picture BerlusconiJune 2020
The question should be: "how can I write "thanks" or "thank you" in Chinese characters (hanzi) and pinyin (romanization of hanzi)?