100% GOOD (2 votes)उत्तरLanguage Question
the difference between 河 江?

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Favilla97 profile picture Favilla97August 2013
In ancient times,“河”is the Yellow River,”江“is the the Changjiang River. But now,the definition has changed,in Chinese dictionary,we called “江” “great” river,which means that “江” is lager than “河”.But in fact,it isn't absolute,in the north,people mostly call river "河",such as 黄河、渭河、辽河,they are all large,and in the south,people mostly call river “江”,such as 长江,雅鲁藏布江, 赣江. My English is not very well,maybe there are some faults in spelling or writing,please tell me,THX.
Flora0207 profile picture Flora0207August 2013
I think water flows into the lake called 河which is inland, while water flows into the ocean or sea called 江.