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没有vs 不 when is the correct time to us them?


CarolaEdwards profile picture CarolaEdwardsNovember 2018

I read one blog from eChineseLearning, and it introduces When and How to Use “不 (Bù)” and “没 (Méi)” for Negative Meaning, I think it will be helpful:

不 (Bù) = no; not; negative prefix.
没 (Méi) = have not; none; absence; without.

1. Tense

“没 (Méi) none” is used to deny both the present and past tenses- that is, to negate the actions and things that happen now and in the past, but cannot be used in the future tense.

“不 (Bù) not” is used to deny past, present and future tense.

Yǐqián tā méiyǒu qù guò Zhōngguó.
He had never been to China before.

2. Attitude

When the speaker expresses their own attitude and indicates that this behavior has always been the same from the past to the present, the use of “不 (bù) not” is appropriate to use.

Wǒ bù xǐhuān chī xiāngjiāo.
I don’t like to eat bananas.

3. Subjective vs. Objective

“不 (Bù) not” indicates subjective willingness. It often goes hand-in-hand with “是 (shì) indeed”, “像 (xiàng) to resemble”, “应该 (yīnggāi) should” to judge the estimation or cognition.

“没( Méi) none”, is used for objective narratives, negating that an act has taken place.

Shì tā māma bú ràng tā wán diànnǎo.
It is his mother who does not let him play the computer.

4. Modifiers

“不 (Bù) not” can modify adjectives and verbs.

“没 (Méi) none” only modifies verbs.

不喜欢 (Bù xǐhuān) = dislike.

5. Fixed matches

There is a verb “有 (yǒu) have” that must always be combined with “没 (méi) none”. “没有 (méiyǒu)” means “do not have.” (What’s the usage of “有 (yǒu)” and “没有 (méiyǒu)?”)

There is a verb “是 (shì) be” that must be combined with “不 (bù) not.” “不是 (búshì)” means “to be not.”

Zhè zhī qiānbǐ bú shì wǒ de.
This pencil is not mine.

Hope it can help you^_^
victor_onl profile picture victor_onlSeptember 2018

没 using in the construction with 有, in the situation as you want say "haven't" + something particular.
For example:
- 您好, 您有没有茄子?
- 你好, 对不起, 没有.

不 very often using as "not"  or "don't"  as a describing partical. For example:
我不是一个老師, 但是可以教一点。