Stem nu!ubesvaret
Hello! Need help to check my translation! I already have a low level in Chinese, tried to use my knowledge to translate a website for my company, hope anyone can check, whether there are any mistakes!


dasha_niya profile picture dasha_niyaNovember 2017

- Registration 登记
- Close (window in computer) 关闭
- Congratulations! We have created a profile for you. 致贺您! 我们已经成功建立起了您的账户!
- Message sent 您的邮件已成功发送!
- Your message has been sent. You will hear back from us very soon.您的邮件已成功发送!很快您会收到我们的回答!
- Pre-ICO has STARTED! PRE ICO 开始了!
- Buy CTG 买CTG
- Calculate 计算
- Show more 查看更多
- Hide 收起
- Idea in short 项目粗讲
- Ever dreamed of having cottage in Spain, Greece or Belgium? It doesn't really metter if you did or not, we build it for you very soon. Why for you? because you will be owning the token which can be used for renting/buying the cottages we will be building. In the video on the right we have a visualisation where you can take inspiration
你梦想过在西班牙,希腊或比利时买房吗?不管有没有,我们可以很快为您建造它。为什么为您? 因为您会拥有能买或组房子的代币。这些房子是我们公司建立的。在视频右边可以想象,在乐曲受到鼓舞.
  • RuiXu profile picture RuiXuNovember 2017
    congratulations 祝贺您,
    last sentence 在右边的视频中,我们有一个可视化的地方,你可以从音乐中获得灵感。