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What's the difference between 吃 and 吃饭

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victor_onl profile picture victor_onlJuly 2017
吃 = means eat, feed oneself and so on, and also it means food,or something edible
吃饭 - means verb - eat, eat rice,maintain the existence etc。
  • julie_chie profile picture julie_chieJuly 2017
    well I'm just going to elaborate on what Vitor said. I couldn't quite understand when he said it can mean food, but upon second thought it actually make sense.

    吃 = verb, eat. Usually you need to add an object behind that. For example, 吃東西 eat stuff, 吃餅乾 eat crackers
    吃 = noun, food. This is a pretty rare case and you can't just use this word alone. For example, 小吃 (lit, small eat) small street food.

    吃飯 = have a meal. For example, we should have a meal! 我們該吃飯囉! It's time to have a meal! 吃飯時間到囉!