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你好!I'm an American, learning Chinese! Can anyone help me improve?


I can speak a little bit now, but only to ask some simple questions. In exchange for help with Chinese, I can help with improving English.




YueKeat profile picture YueKeatMarch 2016
Hi, I'm Yue Keat from Malaysia. I can help you in Chinese and hope you can teach me in english as well. Hope to hear from you soon.
295896569 profile picture 295896569March 2016
Hello! My name is Fred.I'm from China and studing english now.I can help you with Chinese if you want.You can contact with me by this skype id:295896569295896569 profile picture hope we can make progress together.
AlexWaters profile picture AlexWatersFebruary 2016
It is my pleasure
fa00em profile picture fa00emFebruary 2016
i can help you to improve my skype id is fa00em if you want