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大家好! 谁可以建议我一些中文音乐?

Hi, if you know some songs of Power Metal in Chinese, it would be great! If not, anyway I thank all your suggestions. :D

PS: Explore free learning materials for Mandarin Chinese: Learning session: Time食 shí eat另 lìng in addition; another应(應) yīng should


haodingcong profile picture haodingcongNovember 2017
GRACE5188 profile picture GRACE5188July 2015
ATTH profile picture ATTHJuly 2015
There are some bands, like 冰封十字,fearless,霜冻前夜,守夜者 and so on. These are other friends' suggestions. Personally I don't know this kind of music style very well.
hkucam profile picture hkucamJuly 2015
not Metal 走在冬夜的冷风中
Aisiteru profile picture AisiteruJuly 2015

悟空(Singer戴荃),夜空中最亮的星,十年,一直很安静, 我好想你, 独家记忆, 思念是一种病, 稻香(The singer周杰伦’s songs are very good) ,洋葱, 思念是一种病,贵妃醉酒……