I can teach you English, Spanish, Japanese, & interesting stuff

18% GOOD (11 votes)

As I said I can teach you Spanish, English, Japanese, French and many others also a lot of interesting stuff. So, Where's the catch? Well, you've got to teach me Chinese, are you up to it?, Then, let's have fun! Ok? I'm a fast learner, so it shouldn't take long 


Followforever profile picture FollowforeverDecember 2012
How can you learn so many languages?
  • sauloar profile picture sauloarDecember 2012
    Well, it's mostly a matter of practice, and trying to immerse yourself in the language
rachel19831015 profile picture rachel19831015December 2012
my skype ID:rachel19831015
SissiWang profile picture SissiWangAugust 2012
my skype :wangxiaoxi19901010
suzhang profile picture suzhangAugust 2012
i'd like to teach you english, i've send u a message