(^.^)/ wanna be a real Chinese who speaks Mandarin

50% GOOD (10 votes)

(^.^)/ 'm an Indonesian born Chinese and (^.^)/ wanna be a real Chinese who speaks Mandarin.

(^.^)/ had this feeling since (^.^)/ was travelling in Beijing for 5 days. The tour guide was using Mandarin while she was telling us about China's cultures and traditions. At that time (^.^)/ understood about 60% only, (^.^)/ was so sad that i couldn't understand the whole stories about places that i've ever been. So, (^.^)/ decided to learn Mandarin.

(^.^)/ would like to exchange Bahasa Indonesia for Mandarin.

Feel free to contact (^.^)/ ya.


drinkmoi profile picture drinkmoiJanuary 2012
I can help you with your chinese while i only want to learn the french now.If you want.You can send me the email and i will write back to you regurily(perhaps i spell it wrong because i've not used the english for a long time)!
elsa_ye profile picture elsa_yeJanuary 2012
if you exchange for english, I think more people will contact you and leave message