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Can somebody help me specity how to translate "latinized proper noun"? Last night, I encoutered some problematic nouns, for example, the nominative singular "Valerius", but the vocative sing Valeria?

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showny profile picture shownyMay 2014 Here says: VALERIA: Feminine form of Roman Latin Valerius, meaning "to be healthy, to be strong."
  • JCR profile picture JCRMay 2018
    Exactamente, como lo dice showny.
    El vocativo,casi todas las veces (sino es que todas) tendrá la misma forma del nominativo,gracias a que es un caso que no requiere mayor o ningún cambio por su función.
  • showny profile picture shownyMay 2014
    we know it like "Sustantivos propios latinizados", Most of names are based in Latin or roman names, even they have english versions. these nouns are established long time, we only choose.