GIVE ANSWERS - Lingua Latina

100% GOOD (2 votes)válaszol
Hello. I'd love to learn latin. I know spanish and english very well and I also know a bit of italian. I could teach in back.


JCR profile picture JCRMay 2018
Hola,te puedo ayudar en ello,Manu.
Hasta entonces.
kamylo profile picture kamyloOctober 2016
AlexiusIsclanus profile picture AlexiusIsclanusSeptember 2016
Omnēs hīc tē iuvāre possumus
tonigonzalez profile picture tonigonzalezAugust 2016
hola me ayudarias a comprender mejor el ingles porfavor
michel15 profile picture michel15July 2016
hey i can help you