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안녕하세요! I want to start learning Korean but I don't know where to begin.

I've started learning the alphabet and sounding out words for practice but I'm not sure what step I should take next. Any guidance would be very appreciated. Thank you!

PS: Try out these free Korean learning lessons: Tips: How to Use BeKorean HolidaysFoodBasic Verb Conjugation

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woo00519 profile picture woo00519February 2018
you can chat me! I can be your tutor hehe
WarriorAngel4God profile picture WarriorAngel4GodNovember 2017
the duolingo app is really fun if you want to practice with that! it starts at the alphabet then lets you practice basic sentence structure and words, et cetera. i also recommend the app lingodeer! it's best to learn the alphabet fully before you take anymore major steps though, and get pronunciation down. then move on to learning articles/markers and stuff like that such as 은/는 and 이/가 .
Madeliefje profile picture MadeliefjeMarch 2014
Heey, I watched on youtube these series. I think it's very helpful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFquIh-g9XA&list=PLA5C9DEFD07D4FE14 It also gives background on the Korean culture and gives good grammar explaination.