Vastake - 한국어

Vote now!VastatiKeeleline Küsimus
I am wondering how do i write LoL in Korean ? I am wondering what letter to use if there is a L in the begining of the word. I need to write LoL as in short for something ( i dont mean laughing out..)

PS: Immerse yourself in these free Korean lessons: Exercises: Korean EtiquetteWrite and Pronounce Korean VowelsFuture TenseColors


ceecee82 profile picture ceecee82August 2017

You can use the sound K as in kkkkk ㅋㅋㅋ (like people in the caraibbeans or south america write their laugh, or you stick up to lol.gif lol

  • CorpusThyge profile picture CorpusThygeAugust 2017
    Agree with ceecee82 using ㅋㅋㅋ its the same as HAHAHAHAHA and if you want to use the LOL only with the words its 럴
travel_judy profile picture travel_judyAugust 2017
You can just type "ㅋㅋㅋ" or "ㅎㅎㅎ" in Korean, these two phrases all mean Lol and Hahaha