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Quel est la différence entre 바닥 et 땅 ?

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SueYoon profile picture SueYoonAugust 2015

바닥 and 땅 have almost similar meaning because they mean the ground. But peaple use these words depends on the situation. 바닥 means floor. So you can say "The floor(바닥) over there is dirty so please go and clean it up" and 땅 means territory or contrary concept of sky. For example, "China has big territory(땅) / Birds are flying in the sky but there is no one on the ground(땅)." I think maybe 땅 has much more large concepts.

ganagi74 profile picture ganagi74July 2015
바닥 est le sol 땅 est la terre , 바닥 est le sol de la surface tous les objets. 방바닥 - le sol de la chambre. 땅 est le terrain , les mottes, 땅바닥 - la terre