한국어를 배우고 싶어요~! ^^


Hi ^^ 안녕하세요~~! 메이입나다 만나써 반갑습니다.한국어를 배우고 싶습니다! ^^ I want to learn Korean!  I have only just started learning Korean so I don't know a lot but I believe I can learn so much faster if I have a Korean teacher ^^ (진짜저의한국어는 능변 없음니다 하지마 많은 사전 및 구우글레를 씀니다... ㅎㅎㅎㄲㄲ ㅅㅅ ) My native language is English. I can teach you English and German! We can use private messages and 이매일 ^^ I hope we can become friends ^_^ 안녕요~~!