Hello !

Проголосуй сейчас!

I'm a french girl, and I'm 18 (soon 19). I would like to learn some of basics words, try to have a relationship with a Korean because I fell completly in love to this country. In the futur, 

I can help in French and a little bit in English and German :)

If you need help, tell me ! I'm here to that :D


RusEng4DeutschEngFre profile picture RusEng4DeutschEngFreJanuary 2013
Bonjour searching for skype-exchange in conversational french (just need to practice some basic french phrases. i'll positevely help you with my english/russian.

my skype: gruziagidturservis ; fb: http://www.facebook.com/gruziagidturservis

you are very welcome!