I help your Japanese.

50% GOOD (2 votes)

Hi, everyone.

I've been learning English for 6 years and more, so it is not perfect yet,  but  I can read and write English to some extent.

I'm thinking to want to learn various languages, however I'm not satisfied with my English ability.

Therefore I don't learn  them in earnest, so I can understand only English and Japanese.

I intend to learn them when I became college student(next year).

  I don't mind whether you are a native speaker of English or not if you could communicate with me in English and Japanese.

Please feel free to reply



djhappy profile picture djhappyOctober 2007


I am currently attending college and, I would like to help you. I am trying to learn japanese but I have not been lucky. I would like to meet new people as well. If you need help with english or spanish == I am the right person. Take care and keep in touch. Bye

fireflower profile picture fireflowerOctober 2007
hi,i am milena nice to meet ya:)i look for someone to help me with my japanese-i learn it from 3 years n if you need help with english-you can rely one me-i study it from 10 years-n now i study it at university
yeahcolin profile picture yeahcolinOctober 2007

©lめ ま し て ¡Bわ た し は ¤¤国 の §õで す ¡C¤é¥»»yを «j±jし て い ま す ¡I¤é¥»»yが ¤W¤âで は あ り ま せ ん で す か ら ¡Bお Ä@い し ま し た ¡I

Hi, Nice to meet you. I am a Chinese and live in Southern China (Very close to Hong Kong SAR). Recently I am learning Japanese and I want to take the Japanese Ability Test. I learn Japanese because I want to know more about Japanese culture and life. I like to see Japanese movie and sitcom. I also love some movie stars....

felipegomesgomes profile picture felipegomesgomesOctober 2007
    Hello friend! how r u?  I would love to learn the japanese it´s one of the prettiest langs. of the world. I speak english and portuguese and

    undertand spanish. I can teach you the portuguese and u teach me japanese!  How about?  my msn is  felipegomesgomesfelipegomesgomes profile picture


  ps.:    I know nothing of japanesE!
altiera profile picture altieraOctober 2007
は じ め ま し て 、 私 は ア ン ジ ェ ラ で す 。 今 ア メ リ カ で 住 ん で い ま す 。 高 校 で 日 本 語 を 勉 強 し て い ま す 。 日 本 語 を 上 手 に な る た め に 、 日 本 人 の 友 達 を さ が し て い ま す 。 I'd love to practice my Japanese with you while you practice your English. ^_^ But sorry, my Japanese isn't that good... please email me at altieraaltiera profile picture! :D I'd love to hear from you.
Zxem profile picture ZxemSeptember 2007
I would love to learn Japanese!

I'll send you an email.

Please respond. I would be very greatful.

.....Yeeeaaahhhh...my spellings not that great...gomen.

Please contact me at ZxemZxem profile picture

Arigato! bye.
Eric901 profile picture Eric901September 2007

I want to learn Japanese too.

I sended you an E-mail.

Thanks if you respond.

supastina profile picture supastinaAugust 2007
Heyloh, I'm really interested in Japanese. I speak a little bit of French, some Vietnamese, and mainly English. =]