Vastake - Italiano

100% GOOD (1 votes)Vastamata
Italian -> French


I'm really interested on learning italian. I learned a few years ago, but I forgot many many things. I'd like to practise and write if possible. I'm a native French speaker, and I speak English and Spanish fluently. I can help you back with these languages if you want. Let me know please!



RockMusic2000 profile picture RockMusic2000May 2014
Salut! Moi, je suis un garçon Italien et si tu veux, tu pourras améliorer ton Italien avec moi! Ecris-moi vite
P.s. on peut parler sur Skype ou sur FB
LiaMoroder profile picture LiaMoroderMay 2014
Hi, I would like to help you. I'm italian and I need to learn better french.
Write me if you are interested.