Vastake - Italiano

100% GOOD (2 votes)Vastamata
I have very common question - aiutarmi con italiano! =)


sabry23 profile picture sabry23May 2014
Hello, I' M Sabrina and I would like to improve my english.
I can help you with Italian.

Bye bye
robertomilano profile picture robertomilanoMay 2014
I'm italian i can help you
AnnaHAPPY profile picture AnnaHAPPYMay 2014
I' m very interest!can you tach me what language?
Amerigus profile picture AmerigusApril 2014
If you want, i can teach you italian, very well, and you, what language can teach me? :P
oudim profile picture oudimMarch 2014
i want to learn italiano
  • gretacampo profile picture gretacampoMarch 2014
    Hello! I am italian, and I can glady help you with this language. Write me a message, if you want.