ODPOWIEDZ! - Italiano

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The partitive article for the clause

This exercise asks to complete the clasue with partitive article.And I'm not good at it.The words in the bracket are the wrong answer I did.Plz help me,thx you

1.Alcuni alberi=Degli alberi (Delle alberi)

2.Alcuni fratelli=Dei fratelli (Delle fratelli)

3.Alcuni cani=Dei cani (Delle cani)

PS: Take a look at these free Italian educational resources: Lesson: Past TenseContemporary Italian PoliticsItalian Cuisine and WineConditional Tense


vitaminavi profile picture vitaminaviMay 2015

Hello. Partitive articles must agree with the gender and the number of the words they refer to. So the first thing to understand in each clause is the gender/number of the word. Then you can complete the clauses with the partitive articles as follows:

Feminine della delle
Feminine (before vowel) dell' delle
Masculine del dei
Masculine (before vowel) dell' degli
Masculine (before the letters "z", "x + consonant", "gn") dello degli