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Vorrei imparare italiano e sono americana e posso insegnare inglese


supisiki profile picture supisikiMay 2016
sono italiano e voglio imparare inglese perche' devo andare in australia, mi aiuti per favore?
RamonaM profile picture RamonaMMarch 2015
Hi! If you want, i can help you to speak italian in exchange for english
Luck93 profile picture Luck93March 2016
Hi, I'm italian guy, and I can help you to learn italian language, that i know very well, studying at Napoli's University Federico II
Fulapp profile picture FulappMarch 2016
Ok, I hope to help you and you improve my English
Maky92 profile picture Maky92March 2016
Hi! I'm Italian and I wold like to improve my English!we can help each other!
amscenic profile picture amscenicMarch 2016
Ok! I'am italian ti posso aiutare se vuoi Bye!
Carlozzo79 profile picture Carlozzo79February 2016
I'm Italian and I'm trying to improve my english, if you want I can help you with the italian language ...