English, Russian for Italian

80% GOOD (10 votes)

Ciao. I am Amina and I live in Moscow. I want to learn Italian and Spanish. In return I could help to imrove English or teach Russian or both  


TANJ profile picture TANJMay 2010
привет меня зовут Таня я русская могу помочь тебе с русским языком а ты мне с итальянским давай учиться вместе
  • Polina_Gr profile picture Polina_GrOctober 2012
    Привет, Тань) я сама итальянский плохо знаю, поэтому ищу носителя языка, чтобы учиться.
robin85 profile picture robin85June 2011

  hi. I'm Italian and I also speak Spanish. We can talk or chat on msn or skype if you want.   I'm improving my English and trying to remember my Russian that I studied 2 years ago :)   Let me know.

  • Polina_Gr profile picture Polina_GrOctober 2012
    Ciao, Robin! I'll be glad to chat with you and we can definatelly improve each other's skills. Give me your skype id so we can chat there)
Furio profile picture FurioFebruary 2010

Hi, i would like to do some practice with english and if you like i can help you with your italian, if interested drop me a line.

See you

Pitru profile picture PitruOctober 2009

I'm italian... I need a little of english. exchange I help you with the italian

gabry profile picture gabryApril 2009

hi my name is gabriella .. i'am italian  ...  would want to learn l' English and I could teach you Italian

bhe ...  we will be able to help us

thanks , bye