I need help in learning Italian.

  Io vorrei imparare l'italiano. Potrebbe aiutarmi? Hindi is my native language and I speak English reasonably well too. I haven't had any formal Italian lessons and I would like to improve my grasp of the language by exchanging messages or chatting online.If anyone is interested in helping me out please mail me at waltroarkwaltroark profile picture


Rossano profile picture RossanoJune 2008
Ciao! sono Italiano e vivo in Toscana, vorrei aiutarti con l'italiano ma ho bisogno d'imparare velocemente l'inglese.... a presto

by by.....
blackcherry profile picture blackcherryMay 2008

Hallo...I'm Italian and if you want I can help you to learn Italian languages. Write me if you like!

ciao ciao