Is anybody interested in a tandem Italian-English or Italian-German or both :)


Hi! I am looking for a somebody, with whom to improve my pronounce in both English and German (if you can help me with only one of them, it is ok anyway). Of course, I will help you with your fluency and production in Italian, or English. Since I am not a beginner, we have only to write and speak each other, about whatever you want, sports, cooking, movies etc..simple, isn't it?

Let me know. Ciao!


miranda1991 profile picture miranda1991April 2014
i want to speak english well, can u help me?
do you use skype?
  • Stef87 profile picture Stef87April 2014
    Hi! Of course I use it , my Skype account is Gimul_s. What level is your english? Do you have any idea about it?