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How much do you know about Russia it 's culture traditions and history? I guess not much. I suggest you find more about this country . If you want to communicate just send me a message I'll answer to every one.

Russian landscapes:


dim-dim profile picture dim-dimAugust 2012



Easter is the greatest festivity of Russian Orthodox church. On that day people tell each-other “ Jesus Christ has revived!”. On that day Russian start their breakfast with a dyed egg. They eat traditional Easter meal like sand pies and paskha (Easter dessert of pot cheese mixed with sugar, butter, and raisins). There is a tradition to do good  things in that day. They give alms to poor people. In old times there was a tradition to don’t throw out egg’s  shell from the window. People used to believe that Lord Jesus Christ  with apostles go on the Earth   in clothes of poor people and see how people live , there  was a danger to hit them with it.

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Passion Week.

The last week before Easter is Passion Week. It  is initiated to the last days of Earth life of  Jesus Christ. In old times, Russian people used to start preparation for Easter Since Monday.  Women washed houses. Thursday has the name “Tidy Thursday”. There was a tradition to  confess on that day,  and  wash yourself. Friday has name “ Great Friday” . Some Russian did not eat during that day at all. On  “Great Saturday”  Russian bake  sand pies and dye eggs. Than they used to deliver them to the church to sanctifying.

dim-dim profile picture dim-dimAugust 2012



Shrovetide is the festivity of the end of winter. Russian Shrovetide takes one week. Every day has its name .

Monday is “Meeting”. In old times  on that day  father-in-law  and mother-in-law  sent their daughter-in-law to her parents house. The whole family got together in the evening and had festivity supper.

Tuesday is Zaigrish.  On that day girls and boys used to visit each-other, go to skiing.

Wednesday is Lakomka. On that day  mother-in-law used to invite  her son-in-law to eat pancakes ( traditional meal for that festivity)

Thursday is Razgul. On that day people used to skiing, playing games and eat pancakes. People set a very big post  in the centre of the village. They used to set a gift on the top of that one. The man who would be able to chive it, would get it.

Friday is mother of law’s evening. On that day son-in-law used to invite his mother-in-law to his house. They  used to eat pancakes and sweets together.

Saturday is Sister-in-law’s gathering .On that day daughter in law used to invite her parents-in-law to her house. They used to present small gifts to her.

Sunday is forgiving Sunday. There was a tradition to forgive everyone on that day. In the centre of village  people used to   burn effigy of winter.

dim-dim profile picture dim-dimAugust 2012



On this day many people to go to church to get  some  holy water.  People use this water for many aims. Most of Russian people keep it or  add to meal to be healthy and fit.  In some regions of Russia people believe that  angels come to the Earth on that night and sanctify the whole water in the world.  On this day Russian people make ice hole of cross shape.  Priest  sanctify it and people start to swim in the ice hole. People suppose that it will help them to be healthy.

dim-dim profile picture dim-dimAugust 2012


New Year Eve.



New year Eve was not so important festivity  before the Soviet Union time. All traditions were created in that historical term. On 31st December the whole family get together to celebrate it. Hostess of the family lay the table. Oliver-salad is a traditional meal for festivity’s supper.  Russian people set Christmas tree in the living room some days before the festivity. In 5 minutes before the midnight people listen  congratulation of  our president with TV set. In midnight we listen striking of a clock of  Kremlin chimes and make a wish. Than people listen national   anthem of  Russia and start supper. Russian Children  get presents from  Father Frost ( Russian Santa-Clause) and Snow Maiden .On the 1st January  many people visit their relations and go on celebrate the New year. 

dim-dim profile picture dim-dimAugust 2012



 Christmas-tide is a two-week’s term between  Christmas Eve and  Epiphany. In old times people used to believe that all bad souls come back to the Earth on that week. No one could work during that week, there was  popular belief that it is a very horrible sine to work on Christmas-tide.

Many Russian used to dress costumes of  tale’s creatures, and go to visit house of their neighbors. There they usually scare children and dance,  and sing. The task of spectators was to understand who was dressed in a costume. The man who was identified had to dress out his costume.  Another tradition was knock on people's doors, sing carols and collect gifts on Christmas. Even now many people ( especially girls) tell fortunes  during that week.

dim-dim profile picture dim-dimAugust 2012



Christmas is one of the most important festivities in Russia. Plenty of people meet this festivity in churches. After that they have festivity’s supper. In old times there was a tradition to eat the head of  a pig on the first Christmas day. The second day after Christmas had name “Midwife’s porridge day”. There was a tradition to celebrate all midwifes.  Women  and their children used to visit their midwifes and present them sweets on that day.

dim-dim profile picture dim-dimAugust 2012


Christmas Eve is the last day before Christmas.  People have to follow very strict fast. They cannot eat before the rise of the first star in the sky. After that Orthodoxy can eat  sochivo only. Sochivo is a soaked or boiled grains of  wheat with honey, dried fruits  berries. In villages young people often go to  knock on people's doors, sing carols and collect gifts on Christmas eve in the evening. Russian kings used to  visit prisons and hospitals and  give alms to everyone.


Christmas Fast.

Fast is time of  praying and repentance. During the fast orthodox people don’t eat  meat, dairy produce, eggs and fish. There are  one –day and many day’s fast in Russian orthodox church.  One days fasts are every Friday and Wednesday. Many day’s  fasts are Lent, Peter’s Fast, Uspensky Fast and  Christmas fast.

19th December  the day of Nikola winter. It was the head  festivity that was devoted to holy Nikolai.

In old times people used to  start preparation for Christmas-tide since that day. They started  to make masks and other  festivity utensils since that day.