My german for your italian!

25% GOOD (4 votes)


some weeks ago I started to learn italian.

I like it very much and now I am looking for native people in Graz who would like to practise a tandem tedesco-italiano with me.

I can help you with my german.

Freue mich auf  Antwort!

Saluti, Elida



marghe1991 profile picture marghe1991May 2012
Ciao Elida,
I'm an italian girl (unfortunately I'm not living in Graz) but if it's good for you I can help you with italian and you can help me improving my german!

If you're interested contact me!

Kymack profile picture KymackApril 2012
ciao Elida, io parlo italiano, se vuoi possiamo parlare e posso impararte delle cose ... pero ho bisogno di parlara un po' tedesco anche ! sei d'accordo ? hai Skype ?
Ci sentiamo : Lucien
onibas profile picture onibasApril 2012
ciao elida,mi chiamo name sabino.....ti scrivo da salerno....i'm from salerno italy.