My English for your Italian!!

50% GOOD (2 votes)

Just let me know if you are interested by contacting me through here :)


aracla profile picture araclaJanuary 2012
hi where are u from Brian?
Abigail__ profile picture Abigail__January 2012
hi, i'd like to improve my english (in particular I need to improve idioms, phrasal verbs and in general words usage in context). I'd be happy to teach you italian. Do you start from the beginning or do you already have some knowledge?
saritagr profile picture saritagrDecember 2011
hi Brian! let's exchange our native languages!
artwood profile picture artwoodDecember 2011
Hi, I want to learn english, and I'm Italian.. so if you want contact me
demish profile picture demishDecember 2011
hi, i'm interested in speaking english, i can teach you italian