Swedish or English for Italian!

29% GOOD (7 votes)

I would like to learn more italian! I know some basic words, but not much. It's a beutiful language so I would love to know more!

I can teach you English or Swedish in exchange!



irened86 profile picture irened86December 2013
Hi Sandra! I can help you, I'm Italian! Can you help me with English??
manfro85 profile picture manfro85December 2013
Hi Sandra, I can help you with my Italian but I need to improve my english skills, expecially speaking and listening...If you help me I'll be glad to help you. You can find me on skype with Manfro85..Regards :-)
Heroes profile picture HeroesFebruary 2012
Hi :-) I'd really like to learn Swedish, I find it a very exciting language. I can help you with your Italian.:-)
ItalianForEnglish profile picture ItalianForEnglishDecember 2011
Hi Sandra,
I need to improve my english because (as you can see) I have problem with grammar rules...I can help you with Italian...We can use Skype or only email/chat if you want...Send me a private message
Daniela95A profile picture Daniela95ADecember 2011
Hi. I'm Daniela and i'm otalian. I can absolutely help you with italian. Can you help me with english?? =)