I will like to learn italian

33% GOOD (3 votes)

I am good in english and fluent in french, if you can teach me italian or spanish i will be glad to return the favour. Thanks.


Daniela95A profile picture Daniela95ADecember 2011
i can help you with italian. I am a native speker. Can you help me with english and french?
Mary-D profile picture Mary-DOctober 2011

  Hi, I can teach you Italian for your english. I speak french too

Soniandre profile picture SoniandreOctober 2011

hi, i'm italian, I can you teach italian, if you learn me english ^^

RemeberMe profile picture RemeberMeOctober 2011

I can teach you Italian very well, because I am Italian. You can improve my english? Thank you :)