I can teach Italian...for your English or French.....

33% GOOD (6 votes)


Hello, I am looking for a native english or french speaker who I can talk with... Obviously I can teach you italian at any level you want.



My skype contact is:  thebigchaos


JStella profile picture JStellaSeptember 2012
I would love to teach you English in exchange for some conversation in Italian. Posso parlare l'italiano un po', ma faccio di solito delle error e non so molte espressioni idiomatiche.
Aislinn profile picture AislinnOctober 2011

Salut, je suis française et je voudrais travailler mon italien. On peut s'aider si tu veux.A bientot

Nachumkatz profile picture NachumkatzSeptember 2011

  And I speak a good French too

Nachumkatz profile picture NachumkatzSeptember 2011

  I am not a native English speaker but have excellent command of the language and would love to learn Italian, which I understand a bit.

LukeAnthony profile picture LukeAnthonyDecember 2011

Ciao :)

I'm a native english speaker (I'm Australian) and would be more than happy to help you improve on your english.

I'm learning italian at university and believe me, I would love to have someone to practice with! I shall add you on skype :)