My English For Your Italian?

33% GOOD (6 votes)

  Hi, I am a native English speaker who has some basic Italian knowledge and I'd like to improve!   I can teach English in exchange. Emails and text chat are best for me - my internet isn't fast enough for video chat! Send me a message if you're interested!


marghylove profile picture marghyloveSeptember 2011

  Hi to everybody!

My english is not good.. so i need to improving it... in exchange of my italian!! i m a italian teacher as Italian as second language.. using skype?

I m a 25 girl, i live in milan where i also work like hostess in fairs and events..

i d like also meet new friends!!

write to me!


enurchi profile picture enurchiSeptember 2011

  I have a very good level of Italian grammar knowledge,a huge vocabulary and an impeccable spelling. My accent is clear, just a subtle inflection that of course defines my origin. I'd like to speak english as I do Italian, I'm available on skype, by mail or other. Thanks in advance to everyone willing to help me

klyvya profile picture klyvyaSeptember 2011

  Hello Sarah! 

I'd really like to improve my English and I am Italian so I can help you to improve your Italian! 

Contact me if you re interested :)



ettore67 profile picture ettore67September 2011


potremmo provare. Io avrei bisogno di migliore il livello di ascolto, scrittura, ed orale.

Buona giornata
