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Persian - English/ Hindi/ Urdu Exchange

Can somebody teach me Persian on Skype or hangouts? I'd love to teach you English/ Hindi/ Urdu in return.


dorsamin profile picture dorsaminApril 2018 an iranian...can me help you
Fatima2001JANUARY profile picture Fatima2001JANUARYOctober 2017
Hi i'm Iranian I can help to you send me message
OMIDREZA profile picture OMIDREZAJanuary 2018

im male
my name is omid
im 34 years old
im from iran
i can speak persian fluently
one of the my ambition is being able to speak english fluently
and i really interested in english language .and im bound to learn it
nice to meet you
i always wanted to have a best friend like you
could you tell me about your name please
where are you from
this is my whats app"s phone number00989176172954
could you give me your whats app"s phone number?
saeed_niakan profile picture saeed_niakanMay 2017
Hi dear saurabh101, you can call me on Skype: saeednkn1368
aref_e profile picture aref_eMarch 2017
hi, i can teach you persian with skype