100% GOOD (12 votes)DijawabPertanyaan Bahasa
can anybody help me to learn Persian? I can help you with English and Arabic.

PS: Take a look at these free Iranian Persian educational resources: Free resource: Lesson 1: Saying Hello and GoodbyeFree Time ActivitiesSailingDinner Table


Taranom25 profile picture Taranom25April 2016
Hi . yes i am here to help you buddy .
AMir-am profile picture AMir-amMarch 2016
Hi lily , i can help you , but i want from you help me for english language
nasimnasim profile picture nasimnasimJanuary 2016
Hi l can help you to learn persian pleas help me to learn english l teach languge persian for school in iran lm persian
sallllam profile picture sallllamSeptember 2015
sorusc profile picture soruscMay 2015
سلام. شما يادگيرى زبان فارسى رو از كجا شروع كرديد؟