100% GOOD (10 votes)उत्तर
Hello, somebody who teach Iranian? we can exchange languages, Spanish is my native language.

I wanna to learn Iranian, so I'm looking for someone who teach it, is it possible? We can exchange as language as culture, I'm Argentinean and my native language is Spanish.


Regards and thanks.


Mehrain profile picture MehrainAugust 2015
Hello! I am iranian. i want learn more English. i can lærn you Norwegian and persian
khoobe_irani profile picture khoobe_iraniMay 2015
I am a persian girl
I can teach you Persian and Iranian culture very well.
If you're like, please contact me or send message for me and introduce yourSelf.
Thanks and good luck
setarehshahabian profile picture setarehshahabianMay 2015
hi i can teach u farsi
alifathi profile picture alifathiNovember 2014
Hi, I can teach you, Iranian , I'm from Iran
saila97 profile picture saila97September 2014
hi .i from iran
aaida profile picture aaidaDecember 2013

je suis iranienne, je peux vous enseigmer iranien mais je ne peux pas parler anglais tres bien.
vous savez parler francais?

a bientot
Mehrain profile picture MehrainJuly 2014
Hello! are you here?